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School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES) forms a critical bridge between school life and work.
SLES is available during the final years of school and directly after leaving school, generally up to two years and it is a major component of Access and Opportunity's deliverables to the community.
SLES delivered through Access and Opportunity focusses on:
· Helping school leaving aged participants explore and understand their work potential
· Capacity building, developing skills, independence and confidence to work
· Tailoring needs to the individual and their unique pathway to employment
SLES is about generating a Unique pathway to employment, which makes it different for every participant and is based entirely on their individual aspirations, skills, abilities, interests, and personal and family circumstances. Providing supports to develop job-ready skills, helping them to find employment and building confidence to remain in their future workplaces.
Our staff assist in building a participant's ability and confidence to enter the workforce. This can be funded through the NDIS for up to two years depending on the individual circumstances and needs. The service covers a variety of areas of learning some of which are money handling Skills, time management Skills, Communication Skills, Work experience, travel skills and personal development Skills.
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Our primary goal for any participant in this program is to help participants find employment.
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